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Women are like teabags; you never know how strong they are until they're put in hot water.
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Flannel vs. Cold equals time to relax (a little)

My kids are out for a snow day today. Funny because no snow or ice. Last night around five, all local school districts and colleges reported today would be a snow day and everything would be closed. It had not even started raining yet- I do not believe you can call that a snow day (can you?). Surprise- we have a winter weather advisory, but still no snow or ice.
It is cold, I will not deny that, It is above freezing at 35F and it was actually colder yesterday. I guess this would be a good time to point out that much of the country is blanketed in snow and VERY much colder. Here in Louisiana, this IS cold. There is one way to start with the cold- Flannel jammas and flannel sheets. It is not the most attractive or romantic, but it is comfy and snugly. Add a little hot chocolate (not on my diet) or coffee with Truvia (on my diet), and snuggle up with a good book on kindle, and you have a pretty good "snow day" for me. The boys are gonna cuddle on a big pallet in the floor and watch movies. That is a good "snow day" without snow. Yeah, I know, a good snow day is playing outside in the snow, but remember- no snow!!! I love my little men. I am thankful that God has given me the time we have together.

**** Found a Hungry Girl recipe for cocoa:

I Should Cocoa...
We discovered the secret ingredient to the world's best hot cocoa: fire. Don't fear the flame, people! Kitchen torches can be relatively cheap, easy to find (at places like Bed Bath & Beyond or online), and pretty simple to use. Get ready to burn some marshmallows!
Ingredients:One 25-calorie packet hot cocoa mix (like Swiss Miss Diet or Nestle Fat Free)2 tsp. fat-free non-dairy powdered creamer (like the kind by Coffee-mate) 2 tsp. unsweetened cocoa powder
2 tsp. mini semi-sweet chocolate chips
20 mini marshmallows (about 1/4 cup)2 low-fat honey graham crackers (half a sheet), crushedDirections:Place cocoa mix, powdered creamer, cocoa powder, and chocolate chips in a large mug. Add 1 cup very hot water, and stir until ingredients are fully dissolved, melted, and combined. Top with marshmallows. Using a kitchen torch, toast the marshmallow layer for 5 - 10 seconds, until slightly melted and cooked to your liking. (Some like their 'mallows golden, some like 'em blackened!) Allow to cool slightly, and then top with crushed graham crackers. Now enjoy!MAKES 1 SERVING
Serving Size: 1 mug (entire recipe)Calories: 178Fat: 3.5gSodium: 202mgCarbs: 35gFiber: 2.75gSugars: 18.5gProtein: 3.5g POINTS® value 3*